Our Association:
The Living Embodiment of the Roots of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
The Asian American Acupuncture Association (AAAA) is an Asian American acupuncturist non profit organization in Illinois. It played an important role in establishing Acupuncture law in Illinois. It exists to safeguard and promote the practice of acupuncture and Oriental Medicine through legislation. It is one of the two state-registered continuing education provider. We strive to be the unifying force for Illinois Acupuncturists to uphold ethical and well-regulated standards of practice to advance our profession. We welcome the participation and support of practitioners of all ethnic origins and cultural backgrounds.
Our members include acupuncture practitioners who emigrated from various Asian countries, as well as those born in the United States. We seek to provide an environment which fosters an atmosphere of support, learning, and sharing of traditional knowledge and techniques from our respective roots. We do so by hosting NCCAOM accredited continuing education (CEU) events open to all members and non-members.
Come participate and share in our continued refinement; of the world’s oldest continuously-practiced form of medicine.